Kate Hunter’s Rules for Children’s Fiction

This was a lovely article on Mamamia last week, 8 rules that I didn’t know about writing for kids, that I thought worth making note of. It’s the second time in a week I’ve found something entertaining there.

It goes to show that in children’s publishing perhaps more than anywhere else it’s futile to think there’s a winning formula, there are so many exceptions to the ‘rules’. Continue reading

Meeting the Meanjin and Melbourne Books editors

According to Zora Sanders, deputy editor at Meanjin, if she has to read one more short story about children in the bush with an alcoholic father she might well head to the bush and take to drink herself. Not surprising if you have to read 30-50 submissions a week.

Sanders was at the Wheeler Centre on a typically cold, dark Melbourne Monday night along with Adolfo Aranjuez editor of Melbourne Books, which publishes the annual anthology Award Winning Australian Writing. It was a Writers Victoria event held in conjunction with the Society of Editors (Victoria) called Ask the Publisher: Short Fiction, facilitated by Editors Vic co-president, Liz Steele. BTW Aranjuez is also working with designer Nina Read on the new design-rich journal Fragmented and is associated with Voiceworks.

Hearing what ends up in that slush pile at the other end of the publishing email system is probably the most intriguing thing for writers to hear and was what made this event really worth going to. Continue reading